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SAP Expert

1 | The Concept of Data Binding Benefits of Binding Data binding is a fundamental technique in SAPUI5 that allows linking model data to UI controls. Efficient use of this technique can significantly reduce the amount of code needed in a SAPUI5 application, simplifying development and maintenance. Types of Binding There are several types of binding modes in SAPUI5 to handle different scenarios: One-way binding Changes in the model are reflected in the UI, but changes made in the UI do not affect the model. Example: Updating the price of a product in the model automatically displays the new price in the UI. Two-way binding Ensures that both the model and the UI are always synchronized. Any change...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Execution of Unit Testing from BAS Accessing SAP Business Application Studio (BAS) marks the initial step towards conducting comprehensive unit testing. BAS serves as an integrated development environment tailored specifically for SAP applications. Developers log into BAS to leverage its suite of tools and functionalities designed to streamline the development, testing, and deployment processes of SAP applications. Access to SAP BAS: Access SAP BAS to perform unit tests in the development environment. Execution Configuration: Create an execution configuration by clicking the "Run Configuration" button. Select the HTML5 executable file and the SAPUI5 version. Dependencies:...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. Design Controls in SAPUI5 SAPUI5 offers a variety of design controls to effectively organize and structure user interface elements. These controls are primarily found in namespaces sap.ui.layout and sap.ui.commons, with sap.ui.layout recommended due to the obsolescence of sap.ui.commons. <mvc:View xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout"> <FlexBox justifyContent="SpaceAround"> <Text text="Element 1" /> <Text text="Element 2" /> <Text text="Element 3" /> </FlexBox> </mvc:View> 2. Flexible Column Layout Flexible Column Layout is essential for designing responsive and adaptive interfaces...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | SAPUI5 UI Controls What are SAPUI5 Controls? SAPUI5 controls are user interface elements used for interactive operations, either passively or actively. Each control defines how a specific area of the screen appears and behaves. Overview of SAPUI5 Controls In SAPUI5, controls are categorized into mobile-focused UI controls and desktop-centric UI controls. It's recommended to use mobile-focused controls as desktop controls in the sap.ui namespace are deprecated. Key Components of Controls: Control Name: Each control has a name consisting of a library name and control name, like sap.m.Table for creating a table. Control Metadata: Defines properties, events, aggregations, and associations of a control. Properties modify appearance or...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | The Most Used Controls of SAPUI5 The Controls Explorer You can explore the examples of UI controls at A SAPUI5 control consists of: Definition: Specifies properties, events, methods, and sometimes associations and aggregations. Rendering: Responsible for displaying the HTML code of the control. Behavior: The JavaScript code that determines how the control interacts with the user when events are triggered. Styling: Defines the visual appearance of the control. Web Components in SAPUI5 SAPUI5 web components have minimal space, making it easy to add them to our application. They follow the SAP Fiori design language and enterprise standards. They are compatible with any technology of your choice....

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Analyzing the Structure of a Project The Concept of Bootstrapping Before we can do anything with SAPUI5, we need to load and initialize it. This process is called bootstrapping. Index.html File If the applications are created for the SAP Fiori Launchpad (FLP), the index.html file is omitted, and the Launchpad directly loads the component. SAPUI5 applications that start from the index.html are called standalone or independent. Project Structure Overview For each application, we need to define a namespace, which acts as a unique identifier for the application. Node Modules Folder: This folder will contain the libraries we install, with each containing the necessary files for the project. AppFiori Folder: This is the root folder of...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. The Concept of MTA Multi-Target Application (MTA) A Multi-Target Application (MTA) consists of various parts (modules), created with different technologies and deployed in different environments, but sharing a common lifecycle. It serves as the descriptor for each Cloud Foundry project, used to define the elements and dependencies of an MTA. Descriptor Features: Defines microservices and their runtime. Declares backup services and links them to microservices. Includes resources and types not part of the MTA but required during runtime or implementation. Lists dependencies between modules and resources. Contains technical configuration parameters, such as URL and application settings. ...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. The SAPUI5 Framework What is a Framework? A framework acts like the skeleton of a structure. Think of it as the frame of a house where the main structure is predefined, and the developer’s job is to fill in the gaps with their code. Instant Availability of SAPUI5 Applications SAPUI5 applications are instantly available as part of SAP Fiori UX, following SAP’s RENEW user experience strategy. These applications are pre-developed by SAP and can be quickly installed and used. Overview of SAPUI5 Popularity: SAPUI5 is widely used for developing new applications and is considered the latest standard for SAP solutions compatible with multiple platforms. Initially known as "Phoenix," it emphasizes lightweight user interfaces...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP SemiSenior

SAP ECC (Enterprise Central Component) es una parte fundamental del sistema SAP ERP y es ampliamente utilizado por empresas para gestionar diversos procesos de negocio de manera integrada Que es Sap business suite es una colección integrada de aplicaciones empresariales desarrolladas por SAP SE, diseñada para ayudar a las empresas a gestionar de manera eficiente sus operaciones empresariales y procesos de negocio Componentes Principales SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning): Gestiona las operaciones fundamentales de la empresa, como finanzas, recursos humanos, manufactura, compras, ventas, y servicios. Optimiza los procesos internos y mejora la eficiencia operativa. SAP CRM (Customer...

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Creado y Compartido por: Cesar Argenis Franco Galindo / Disponibilidad Laboral: PartTime

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP SemiSenior

GENERALIDADES SAP HCM SAP HCM (Human Capital Management), también conocido como SAP HR (Human Resources), es un módulo de SAP diseñado para la gestión completa de recursos humanos en una organización. SAP ECC: - Financiera - Logística - Recursos Humanos 1. Funcionalidades principales: SAP HCM cubre una amplia gama de procesos relacionados con recursos humanos, incluyendo administración de personal, nómina, gestión del talento, gestión del rendimiento, desarrollo y formación de empleados, gestión del tiempo y gestión de viajes y gastos. 2. SAP HCM es compatible con los parámetros y leyes de cada país. 3. Integración...

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Creado y Compartido por: Yeisy Rincon


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