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Actualmente existen 271 Publicaciones Académicas en SAP Fiori.

✒️Publicaciones SAP Fiori por tema tratado en lecciones


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El framework de programación SAPUI5

En esta lección entenderemos la relación entre SAPUI5 y Fiori. Veremos la arquitectura de SAPUI5, el patrón de diseño MVC y las librerías más utilizadas.

El perfil del Consultor SAP Fiori

En esta lección veremos el conocimiento técnico que debe tener un Consultor SAP Fiori y la metodología de trabajo que se utiliza en el mundo laboral para implementar un proyecto.

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La aplicación móvil

En esta lección aprenderemos a acceder a la aplicación que desarrollamos desde cualquier dispositivo.

✒️Publicaciones SAP Fiori por fecha

Listando últimas 30 Publicaciones Académicas en SAP Fiori (Scroll panel).

SAP Expert

La guía y las herramientas de diseño de SAP Fiori 1 - La guía de diseño de SAP Fiori Actuan como un lenguaje de diseño y guian al programador como crear app sap fiori respetando los principios de diseño. link benificios: - mas de 100 c0ntrols - librerias prediseñadas. 2 - el manejo de mensajes. categorias: - error - advertencia. - informacion - exito - confirmacion se pueden mostrar de multiples formas ( libreria sap.m) En sapui5 algunas de las fromas son las siguientes: - mensaje de ventana emergente: usa el control sap.m.MessagePopover. - Message box: sap.m.MessageBox. - Message toast: sap.m.MessageToast. - Message...

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Creado y Compartido por: Pablo Adrian Oggero

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

La evolución de SAP Fiori 1 - La evolución de SAP Fiori Con sap S/4hana ,objetivo : "una UX para todas las soluciones de sap" Estrategia: Nuevo, renovar, habilitar. Sap Screen Personas: permite adaptar las interfaces de usuarios para que sean simples y optimizadas. Las aplicaciones que se crean con la estrategia de Nuevo y Renovar siguen estos elementos de diseño: - diseño visual - arquitectura de la informacion. - diseño de interaccion - usabilidad - accesibilidad - la interaccion persona- ordenador. 2 - El Paradigma de SAP Fiori Beneficios: aplicando el concepto de Fiori, los paquete monoliticos de funcionalidad de los sistema empresariales tradicionales como...

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Creado y Compartido por: Pablo Adrian Oggero

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Training

Tareas del consultor SAP FIORI: Descubrir las necesidades del usuario(s) para la aplicación. Crear prototipos de prueba y validar cumplimiento con los usuarios. Desarrollar las aplicaciones e integrarlas con el sistema back end Realizar los tests a la aplicación y poner en productivo la solución, Perfil técnico del consultor SAP FIORI Conocer sobre el diseño y mapeo de los servicios Odata Conocer la configuración de catálogos, tiles y ajustes de roles en SAP FIORI Lauchpad. Conocer herramientas de desarrollo SAP WEB IDE/BAS Desarrollar aplicaciones en SAP FIORI Conocer al menos 3 lenguajes de programación (HTML5, CCS3 y JAVAscript.). Tipos de...

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Creado y Compartido por: Carlos David Parra García / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

La transformación digital de SAP Fiori 1 - Que es sap fiori? Es un lenguaje de diseño de SAP. Experencia de usuario(UX) para los productos SAP. UX es la forma en que interactua el usuario con la solucion. - Interfaz de usuario (UI) maximiza la eficacia durante el uso. SAP Fiori se base en el framework SAPUI5. Se desarrollan desde la perspectiva del usuario. Son simples, diseñadas para llevar a cabo tareas y actividades especificas. Las aplicaciones fiori dividen las grandes transacciones estandares de SAP en varias aplicaciones pequeñas, dedicada a una funcion especificas, por ejemplo a la creacion de una orden de venta. Dimensiones: diseño, concepto, tecnologia. Proceso de descomposicion:...

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Creado y Compartido por: Pablo Adrian Oggero

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Training

Hola, mi nombre es Carlos David Parra G., soy consultor SAP especialista en los módulos SD-LETRA y PS, cuento con una experiencia ya de 19 años en diferentes proyectos de implementación, mejoras evolutivas, rollouts y mesas de ayuda. Resido en Bogotá, Colombia. Mi interés en tomar el curso de formación en FIORI es actualizar mis conocimientos con las aplicaciones de experiencia de usuario en SAP, la forma en que funciona su diseño, construcción y puesta en productivo. Actualmente estoy en busca de trabajo luego mi disponibilidad es inmediata. Saludos!!!

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Creado y Compartido por: Carlos David Parra García / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. Custom Controls Custom controls in SAPUI5 allow us to create reusable UI components. When developing a new SAPUI5 application, it’s important to consider how to structure the application and what controls will be needed. Controls can be extended from existing ones or created anew. Namespace Usage: To avoid conflicts, avoid using the sap namespace for anything other than SAP-provided content. 2. Base Class Architecture of SAPUI5 SAPUI5 controls inherit from the base class sap.ui.core.Control, which provides essential features such as event handling, data binding, and rendering. Inheritance Example: // Extending an existing control sap.m.Image.extend("custom.Image", { // custom properties and methods }); // Creating...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

How to Work with Asynchronous Code in SAPUI5? Asynchrony is one of the fundamental pillars of JavaScript. By understanding these concepts, we can apply them in our code to write better applications. We can have input and output operations of the following types: Synchronous and Blocking: The entire operation is done at once, blocking the execution flow. The thread is blocked while waiting, and the response is processed immediately after the operation is completed. Synchronous and Non-Blocking: Similar to the previous type, but uses some polling technique to avoid blocking in the first phase. The call returns immediately, the thread is not blocked, and successive attempts are needed until the operation is complete. The response is processed...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Key Functions in SAPUI5 We will explore some of the most commonly used functions and methods in SAPUI5, crucial for developing SAP Fiori applications. Accessing Core Information One important aspect of developing SAPUI5 applications is accessing different elements from any point in the application. For instance, you might need to retrieve a control's value from a view or access data from a model to populate a combobox. sap.ui.getCore(): This function returns an instance of the core of the application. The core can store global information, models, and more. It is the most powerful function at the application level. var language = sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getLanguage(); console.log("Logged in language: " + language);...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Working with Expressions and Data Formatters When we link a property from a model to an SAPUI5 control, we might need to format the incoming data to display it differently on the screen. Data formatting can include date and number formatting. These techniques allow us to link values (e.g., amount and currency) or display a completely different dataset based on predefined data. For instance, in an SAPUI5 application, data is typically consumed from an SAP system. These transactional applications provide a refreshed look along with standard or customized functionality and can rewrite data back to the SAP system. Hence, the OData services used in the application are created in NetWeaver with SAP ABAP as the main programming language. Similarly,...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

Navigation and Code Reusability SAPUI5 supports the modularization of JavaScript applications. This means instead of defining and loading a large JavaScript package, an application can be divided into smaller parts that can be loaded at runtime as needed. These smaller individual files are called modules. Modularization involves dividing the application code into smaller, independent parts (modules) that facilitate code reuse, improve readability, and enhance maintainability. Modules can contain any code, but typically, their content focuses on a common theme, like forming a JavaScript class, a namespace, or addressing specific functions such as client-server communication or mathematical operations. 1 | What is a Module? A module is a JavaScript...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Navigability in a SAPUI5 App Routing Routing is the process of changing views, for example, when clicking on an item in a table to open a new view with the details of that item. This is managed by specifying a routing configuration that establishes a relationship between possible routes and views, then connecting the different views by triggering navigation events. Example: When a button is clicked, a function from the router class (typically sap.m.routing.Router) is executed to launch the view corresponding to the route passed as a parameter to the function. Scenario: Editing a Purchase Order Classic Web URL: /PurchaseOrder.html?Id=’12345’&action='edit' Single-Page App URL: /#PurchaseOrder/12345/edit When navigating...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Training

Guía de diseño de SAP FIORI: Lenguaje y parámetros que guían al desarrollador sobre como crear una nueva aplicación en SAP FIORI. Pautas de diseño, principios de diseño, patrones que deben seguirse al construir una nueva app. Manejo de mensajes: Categorías Error Advertencia Información Exito Confirmación Formas de mostrar mensajes: Ventana emergente: Forma preferida de mostrar mensajes Message box: Para mostrar errores no relacionados con un campo de formulario sino que pueden ser técnicos o genéricos. Message toast: mensaje breve de exito que se borra en un tiempo determinado....

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Creado y Compartido por: Carlos David Parra García / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | The graphical interface to connect to GIT In SAP BAS, the graphical interface for Git allows us to manage our project's version control directly. To connect to a remote repository hosted on GitHub, we start by adding a remote repository with the command git remote add <name> <url>. This step establishes a link between our local repository and the remote GitHub repository. If you ever forget the repository URL, you can find it directly within GitHub in the repository's code section. When making changes to files, Git reflects these modifications in its interface. You can stage changes using the '+' button to prepare them for committing. Once staged, changes can be committed by providing a commit message. Files in the staging area...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

Connecting to GitHub Repository Using SSH SSH connection is end-to-end encrypted and requires authentication to connect securely to the server. Unlike Telnet, SSH encrypts all data sent from client to server and vice versa, ensuring that information cannot be intercepted, thus adding an extra layer of security. SSH keys provide a highly secure authentication method compared to traditional password authentication. Therefore, it is recommended to use SSH key authentication for remote server connections. An SSH key pair consists of a private key (stored on our local machine) and a public key (uploaded to the server). The server allows connections only from clients whose key matches the server's stored public key. 1 | SSH Protocol SSH (Secure...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Git Version in BAS Git provides a tool called git config, which allows us to get and set configuration variables that control Git's behavior and appearance. One of the first steps is to configure your username and email address, as Git uses this information to label your commits. This information becomes a permanent part of any commits you make. You only need to set this once using the --global option, as Git will then use it for all repositories on that system. If you need to override this information for a specific project, you can run the command without --global when inside that project. 2 | Global Configurations The git config command allows us to configure basic repository settings such as our username and email, which are used to...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | What is GitHub? GitHub Repository GitHub is a free repository system that utilizes Git commands for management. Launched in 2008, it is the largest platform in its category with over 40 million users. GitHub is widely used for hosting Git repositories, collaborating on projects, tracking issues, conducting code reviews, and more. While GitHub itself is not part of Git's open-source project, it becomes essential in professional Git usage scenarios. Many recognize GitHub as the social network for developers or even the "Wikipedia of programming." It serves as a hub where developers can explore, edit, and duplicate numerous open-source projects. Given that approximately 70% of software companies engage in open source, having a platform...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Version Control Systems Centralized and Distributed Version Control Systems Version control systems are essential tools for managing changes to source code over time. There are two primary types: centralized and distributed. Centralized Version Control Systems (CVCS): In a centralized system, such as Subversion (SVN), all version history is stored on a central server. Developers check out files, work on them locally, and then check the files back into the central server. This setup means that to work on the code, you must be connected to the server. Distributed Version Control Systems (DVCS): In contrast, a DVCS like Git, Mercurial, or Bazaar allows each developer to have a full copy of the repository on their local machine. This...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | The Concept of Data Binding Benefits of Binding Data binding is a fundamental technique in SAPUI5 that allows linking model data to UI controls. Efficient use of this technique can significantly reduce the amount of code needed in a SAPUI5 application, simplifying development and maintenance. Types of Binding There are several types of binding modes in SAPUI5 to handle different scenarios: One-way binding Changes in the model are reflected in the UI, but changes made in the UI do not affect the model. Example: Updating the price of a product in the model automatically displays the new price in the UI. Two-way binding Ensures that both the model and the UI are always synchronized. Any change...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Execution of Unit Testing from BAS Accessing SAP Business Application Studio (BAS) marks the initial step towards conducting comprehensive unit testing. BAS serves as an integrated development environment tailored specifically for SAP applications. Developers log into BAS to leverage its suite of tools and functionalities designed to streamline the development, testing, and deployment processes of SAP applications. Access to SAP BAS: Access SAP BAS to perform unit tests in the development environment. Execution Configuration: Create an execution configuration by clicking the "Run Configuration" button. Select the HTML5 executable file and the SAPUI5 version. Dependencies:...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. Design Controls in SAPUI5 SAPUI5 offers a variety of design controls to effectively organize and structure user interface elements. These controls are primarily found in namespaces sap.ui.layout and sap.ui.commons, with sap.ui.layout recommended due to the obsolescence of sap.ui.commons. <mvc:View xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:l="sap.ui.layout"> <FlexBox justifyContent="SpaceAround"> <Text text="Element 1" /> <Text text="Element 2" /> <Text text="Element 3" /> </FlexBox> </mvc:View> 2. Flexible Column Layout Flexible Column Layout is essential for designing responsive and adaptive interfaces...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | SAPUI5 UI Controls What are SAPUI5 Controls? SAPUI5 controls are user interface elements used for interactive operations, either passively or actively. Each control defines how a specific area of the screen appears and behaves. Overview of SAPUI5 Controls In SAPUI5, controls are categorized into mobile-focused UI controls and desktop-centric UI controls. It's recommended to use mobile-focused controls as desktop controls in the sap.ui namespace are deprecated. Key Components of Controls: Control Name: Each control has a name consisting of a library name and control name, like sap.m.Table for creating a table. Control Metadata: Defines properties, events, aggregations, and associations of a control. Properties modify appearance or...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | The Most Used Controls of SAPUI5 The Controls Explorer You can explore the examples of UI controls at A SAPUI5 control consists of: Definition: Specifies properties, events, methods, and sometimes associations and aggregations. Rendering: Responsible for displaying the HTML code of the control. Behavior: The JavaScript code that determines how the control interacts with the user when events are triggered. Styling: Defines the visual appearance of the control. Web Components in SAPUI5 SAPUI5 web components have minimal space, making it easy to add them to our application. They follow the SAP Fiori design language and enterprise standards. They are compatible with any technology of your choice....

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1 | Analyzing the Structure of a Project The Concept of Bootstrapping Before we can do anything with SAPUI5, we need to load and initialize it. This process is called bootstrapping. Index.html File If the applications are created for the SAP Fiori Launchpad (FLP), the index.html file is omitted, and the Launchpad directly loads the component. SAPUI5 applications that start from the index.html are called standalone or independent. Project Structure Overview For each application, we need to define a namespace, which acts as a unique identifier for the application. Node Modules Folder: This folder will contain the libraries we install, with each containing the necessary files for the project. AppFiori Folder: This is the root folder of...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. The Concept of MTA Multi-Target Application (MTA) A Multi-Target Application (MTA) consists of various parts (modules), created with different technologies and deployed in different environments, but sharing a common lifecycle. It serves as the descriptor for each Cloud Foundry project, used to define the elements and dependencies of an MTA. Descriptor Features: Defines microservices and their runtime. Declares backup services and links them to microservices. Includes resources and types not part of the MTA but required during runtime or implementation. Lists dependencies between modules and resources. Contains technical configuration parameters, such as URL and application settings. ...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. The SAPUI5 Framework What is a Framework? A framework acts like the skeleton of a structure. Think of it as the frame of a house where the main structure is predefined, and the developer’s job is to fill in the gaps with their code. Instant Availability of SAPUI5 Applications SAPUI5 applications are instantly available as part of SAP Fiori UX, following SAP’s RENEW user experience strategy. These applications are pre-developed by SAP and can be quickly installed and used. Overview of SAPUI5 Popularity: SAPUI5 is widely used for developing new applications and is considered the latest standard for SAP solutions compatible with multiple platforms. Initially known as "Phoenix," it emphasizes lightweight user interfaces...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) The Concept of the Cloud Initially, "cloud" was a metaphor for the complex telephone networks connected via the internet. Today, it refers to a model where servers, networks, storage, development tools, and even applications are available through the internet. Benefits of Cloud Computing Cloud computing allows organizations to avoid large upfront investments in equipment, training, and ongoing maintenance. These needs are handled by a cloud service provider. Key Characteristics of Cloud Services According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), cloud computing has five key characteristics: Internet Access: Users can connect to data and applications via the internet anytime...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

The Relationship Between SAP Gateway and OData Services 1. Client-Server Architecture In the context of web development, architecture refers to the communication model that connects various devices to a server via the internet. Client-Server Model The client-server model is a software design paradigm where tasks are distributed between resource or service providers (servers) and requesters (clients). Here’s a breakdown: Client Definition: Devices that request services or resources from a server. Examples include computers, mobile phones, tablets, or any network-capable device. Function: Accesses services and resources via web browsers, making requests (requests) to servers. Server Definition: Equipment that provides services...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. Components of SAP Fiori Architecture Client: Represents a desktop browser, mobile browser, or SAP Fiori client. In an on-premise scenario, clients access SAP Fiori through the SAP Fiori Launchpad by clicking a link that points to an SAP Web Dispatcher or a front-end server. SAP Web Dispatcher: A service between the internet and the client's internal services, usually in a DMZ network zone, used to expose internal services to the internet, adding an extra security layer. Key features include: Acts as a reverse proxy with additional functions. Helps SAP Fiori applications obtain data from multiple sources. Can block or enable access to internal resources. Functions as a load balancer if multiple...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

Hola a todos! Un gusto conocerlos, Soy Jaime Gómez, soy Colombiano pero actualmente resido en España. Durante ya un buen tiempo (8 años aprox) me he desempeñado como desarrollador de software con un stack web (React/Node/AWS). He querido tomar un nuevo enfoque en mi carrera profesional por la actualidad del mercado laboral, y he tomado la decisión de adentrarme a SAP como ABAP/Fiori Developer y en un futuro extender mis conocimientos con un enfoque en BTP/Cloud. Conozco algunas generalidades de la plataforma ya que personas cercanas a mí se desempeñan como consultores SAP y me han animado a explorar esta nueva posibilidad. En estos momentos estoy completamente dedicado a adquirir nuevos conocimientos,...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

SAP Fiori Apps in the SAP SD Module Introduction to SAP Fiori Applications in S/4HANA Sales Creating a BP in S/4HANA Sales is done through the SAP Fiori front-end. This application centralizes the creation, editing, and viewing of BP for customers and suppliers. To create a BP, search for the "Maintain Business Partner" application in the SAP Fiori Launchpad. Creating a BP (Business Partner) For creating a BP, the following information is needed under the General Data tab: Business Partner Categorization Business Partner Grouping Title (Mr, Mrs, Dr, etc.) Name Street / Number Postal Code / City Country Region Language Once these details are entered, you can maintain the Company code data for the...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

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